Keep your friends close but your enemies closer song 2012
Keep your friends close but your enemies closer song 2012

keep your friends close but your enemies closer song 2012

Similarily, India-China relation nowadays is more like a love-hate relationship. Who knows may our new foreign policy might be to increase friendly relation despite turmoil’s on border, so as to compel them to think about their military support to the terrorist organization.

keep your friends close but your enemies closer song 2012

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Incorporated by the PM himself? It is like a “strategic diplomatic policy” where India is trying to keep an upper hand over relations. Experts say that it was preplanned, but there is a buzz that this dynamic plan change was in fact Both of them outperformed each other at some point of time. The result, it became like a to-and-fro motion. Reason? This “enemity” that Rohit had incorporated, he actually took it in a healthy manner, tried to make improvements by learning from Abhishek. Though not an enemy, he had inbuilt this whole scenario where he was the king of this kingdom(school in this case) and Abhishek had come out of nowhere, not only increasing competition but also a threat to his kingship now.Īpparently, they are good friends after 10 years of passing out from that school. But what was he hating more? He was hating the fact that someone was BETTER than him. Abhishek came from a different school during the half yearly exams and outperformed him. So, the point, aren’t those people your “counterparts” of a healthy competition, who by popular saying are always regarded as being “enemies”, the same enemy you turned “frenemy” (mix of friend and enemy) while you were on a casual brief outing. And who better to get this from than from a like-minded business? Who knows, a casual conversation with the competition might help both of you learn something that benefits your respective businesses, and the industry in which you both work. You obviously don’t need to divulge estimated earnings, turn overs and the calculated risks that you are incorporating in these brief outings, but it’s always good to get the lowdown on what’s happening in your particular industry. I personally would always foster people to get to know their antagonists, but I find really strange when people don’t want to do this.

keep your friends close but your enemies closer song 2012

There are loads of companies coming forward every day,from small to big. So, I feel the quote seems justified, ain’t it? Lets’s find out something else. Result? We all know who died after “WHO’s” help. But Rama knew it was better to keep an enemy closer to him, not neglecting his friends. Wasn’t there any opposition while he came to seek help and GIVE help instead? Lakshman(Rama’s brother) was reluctant for this. I am sure most must have heard about the story from Ramayana, Ravan’s own brother(Vibhishana) went against him and joined the Rama group. Why is there such a need of keeping your “enemies” in proximity even though by default, GOD has always made you a way that you have a “friend” who by default is always there with you-Like ALWAYS. Jesus said :Love your enemies and pray for them who persecute you. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head, If he is thirsty, give him water to drink. “If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat

Keep your friends close but your enemies closer song 2012